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Terms of Use of the Gratitude Hub (Volunteers)

感恩互助中心的使用條款 (志工)



Thank you for volunteering with Ran Deng Charity Fund Limited (the “Company”, “we”, “us”).  Apart from the terms set out in the letter relating to your volunteering services and the code of conduct for volunteers, these terms of use set out some general information that you should be aware of. 




General house rules 一般規則


When you are at the premises relevant to the activities, services or courses of the Gratitude Hub (the “Premises”):




  • Please do not litter, spit or behave in a noisy or disorderly manner. 


  • Please maintain the cleanliness of the Premises. 


  • No pet is allowed in the Premises without the prior written approval of the Company. 
    未經本公司事先書面的批准,請勿帶同寵物進入場地 。 


  • Without the Company's prior written approval, no activity, photography, video recording or any other form of recording is allowed for any media or commercial purposes at the Premises. 
    未經本公司事先書面的批准,不得於場地進行用於傳媒或商業用途的活動、攝影、攝錄或任何其他形式的錄影。 任何違反本條款的行為即屬違法,而本公司保留一切追究權利。


  • Any form of third-party business solicitation, promotion, marketing, fundraising, printed matter distribution or any other commercial activities is strictly prohibited in the Premises. 


  • Unauthorized activities, demonstrations, speeches or other unauthorized public gatherings are strictly prohibited in the Premises. 


  • Please comply with the instructions given by our staff when you are in the Premises.  


Legal liability 法律責任


  • You are responsible for safe-keeping your personal property or belongings. To the fullest extent permitted by all applicable laws, the Company, its directors, employees, other volunteers and agents will not be liable for any damage or loss of your goods or property (regardless of whether such damage or loss has been caused by the negligence of the Company, its directors, employees, volunteers and/or agents). 
    您有責任保管您的個人財物。在所有適用法律允許的最大範圍內,本公司、其董事、僱員、其他志工和代理人概不就您的財物的損壞或遺失,承擔任何責任 (無論這種損壞或遺失是否由本公司、其董事、僱員、志工和/或代理人的疏忽引致)。 


  • You do not have any direct relationship with Po Sum Company Limited. The provision of any volunteering assignments is for the benefit of the Company and/or the Gratitude Hub and any activities, services or courses of the Gratitude Hub taking place at the Premises (which may be sponsored by Po Sum Company Limited) are operated by the Company.  You do not have any claims against Po Sum Company Limited.
    您與寶心企業有限公司沒有任何直接關係。您提供的志工服務的對象是本公司及/或感恩互助中心,而所有在場地 (可能由寶心企業有限公司贊助) 進行的感恩互助中心的任何活動、服務或課程均由本公司舉辦。您對寶心企業有限公司不會有任何申索。


  • To the fullest extent permitted by all applicable laws, the Company, its directors, employees, other volunteers and agents will not be liable for any disputes, claims, liabilities, damages, losses, personal injuries, costs, fees and expenses (including legal fees) and any other consequences in connection with or arising from, either directly or indirectly: (a) participation in any activities, services or courses of the Gratitude Hub or (b) provision of any volunteering assignments to the Company or the Gratitude Hub. 
    在所有適用法律允許的最大範圍內,本公司、其董事、僱員、其他志工和代理人將一概不會就任何糾紛、申索、責任、損害賠償、損失、人身傷害、費用、開支(包括律師費)或任何直接或間接與下列情況相關、有關聯或由下列情況引起的後果負責或承擔責任: (a)參與感恩互助中心的任何活動、服務或課程;或(b) 向本公司或感恩互助中心提供志工服務。


  • You must unconditionally and irrevocably defend, indemnify and keep indemnified the Company, its directors, employees, other volunteers and agents against all disputes, claims, liabilities, damages, losses, personal injuries, costs, fees and expenses (including legal fees) and any other consequences in connection with or arising from, either directly or indirectly (whether caused by you or not and whether such actions violate these terms of use), the participation in any any activities, services or courses of the Gratitude Hub or the provision of any volunteering assignments to the Company or the Gratitude Hub. 
    您須無條件及不可撤回地就所有與參與感恩互助中心任何活動、服務或課程或向本公司或感恩互助中心提供志工服務直接或間接相關,或由之引起的任何糾紛、申索、責任、損害賠償、損失、人身傷害、費用、開支(包括但不限於律師費)及任何後果 (不論是否由您引致亦不論該等行為有否違反本條款及條件),而為本公司、其董事、僱員、其他志工及代理人進行辯護,並向其作出彌償、持續彌償並免其受損害。 


Personal data 個人資料


  • Volunteers will need to provide their personal data to the Company.  You agree to the collection, use, disclosure and transfer of personal data in accordance with the Privacy Policy and Personal Information Collection Statement of the Company.  


  • If you will provide any personal data of any third party (including but not limited to the participants of the activities, services or courses of the Gratitude Hub) to the Company, you warrant, represent and confirmation that: (a) the third party is notified of the provision of his/her personal data to the Company, (b) you have provided the third party with the Privacy Policy and Personal Information Collection Statement of the Company and the third party has read and consented to such policy  and statement, (c) you have complied with all legal requirements in relation to such provision of personal data and (d) you will notify the third party of any amendments to the Privacy Policy and Personal Information Collection Statement of the Company. 
    如果您將向本公司提供任何第三者的個人資料 (包括但不限於任何感恩互助中心活動、服務及課程的參加者),您保證、陳述並確認:(a) 該第三者知悉您將向本公司提供相關個人資料、(b) 您已向該第三者提供本公司的私隱政策及個人資料收集聲明,並該第三者同意及知悉本公司的私隱政策及個人資料收集聲明、(c) 閣下合法地向本公司提供該第三者的個人資料及 (d) 您將通知該第三者任何本公司的私隱政策及個人資料收集聲明的改動。



+852 2609 5898

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+852 2706 9838






星期二三五:12:30 - 19:00

​星期六:12:30 - 16:00

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