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私隱政策和個人資料收集聲明 – 感恩互助中心



Thank you for expressing your interest in the activities, services and courses of the Gratitude Hub of Ran Deng Charity Fund Limited (the “Company”, “we”, “us”).  We may collect your personal data when you register as a volunteer of the Gratitude Hub, when you enter into the premises relevant to the activities, services or courses of the Gratitude Hub (the “Premises”) or when you participate in any activities, services or courses of the Gratitude Hub.



We respect your right to privacy. We aspire to process personal data that we collect, retain, transfer and use in accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486, Laws of Hong Kong, the “Ordinance”). You may choose not to provide us with your personal data.  However, doing so may mean that you may not be able to visit the Premises or participate in any activities, services or courses of the Gratitude Hub. If you provide us with personal data, you are deemed to have agreed to this Privacy Policy and Personal Information Collection Statement. The term "personal data" has the meaning as defined in the Ordinance.

我們尊重您的私隱權。我們會確保所收集、保留、轉移及使用的個人資料將遵照香港特別行政區法例第486章《個人資料(私隱)條例》(下稱「條例」) 的規定處理。您可拒絕向我們提供個人資料,但在此情況下,您可能無法到訪場地或參與感恩互助中心之任何活動、服務或課程。若您提供個人資料予我們,則被視作同意此私隱政策和個人資料收集聲明。 「個人資料」一詞含有條例所解釋的意義。 


Purposes of use of personal data 收集個人資料的目的及用途 


Personal data we collect from you may be used for the following purposes: 我們從您收集所得的個人資料可能會用於以下用途:


  • recognising and verifying your identity, and to conduct background checks against volunteers (if applicable)
    識別及核實您的身分,並對志工作出背景審查 (如適用); 


  • processing all applications in relation to the Gratitude Hub (including volunteering application and registration for and participation in any activities, services or courses of the Gratitude Hub);
    處理您關於感恩互助中心的所有申請 (包括志工申請及登記參與感恩互助中心之任何活動、服務或課程);


  • all matters relating to your volunteering services and the participation in the activities, services or courses of the Gratitude Hub, including for the purposes of administration and communications with you in relation to your volunteering services or the activities, services or courses that you participate in; 


  • ensuring the safety of the Premises and all activities, services or courses of the Gratitude Hub;


  • offering services to you relating to the activities, services or courses of the Gratitude Hub;


  • processing payment instructions in relation to the activities, services or courses of the Gratitude Hub and issuing receipts;


  • direct marketing of the activities, services or courses of the Gratitude Hub (see “Direct Marketing” below);


  • conducting market research, statistical analysis and behavioural analysis, including planning for future activities, services or courses of the Gratitude Hub to cater for your preferences;


  • handling your complaints and enquiries as well as claims and/or litigation against us;


  • preventing and avoiding fraudulent behaviours;


  • auditing purposes;


  • disclosure in accordance with any applicable laws, rules and regulations in any applicable jurisdictions; and/or


  • any other purposes directly relating to any of the above purposes.
    任何與上述目的直接有關之其他用途 。 


Types of personal data collected 所收集的個人資料類別 


The types of personal data we collect may include (but is not limited to): your personal information and contact information, such as full Chinese and English names, identity card number and copy of your identity card, gender, date of birth, telephone number, e-mail address, residential address and/or postal address; your account information, such as your credit card account number or username; and the IP address, geolocation information, browser setting, browsing history and/or other records on the internet of you computer or mobile devices.  When you call the Gratitude Hub or attend the activities, services and courses of the Gratitude Hub, your conversation with us may also be recorded by our voice recording systems.

我們所收集的個人資料可能包括 (但不限於):您的個人資料及聯絡資料,如中文及英文全名、身份證編號及身份證副本、性別、出生日期、電話號碼、電郵地址、住址及/或郵寄地址; 您的賬戶資料,如信用卡賬戶號碼或用戶賬號;及您的電腦或移動裝置IP地址、即時位置資料、瀏覽器設定、瀏覽紀錄及/或其他互聯網記錄的資料。當您致電感恩互助中心或參與感恩互助中心活動、服務或課程,您與我們對話亦可能會被錄音。


For the purposes set out above (in particular for ensuring the safety of the Premises and all activities, services or courses of the Gratitude Hub), we may also install CCTV at the Premises to conduct camera surveillance activities. 

為了上述目的 (特別是確保場地及感恩互助中心任何活動、服務或課程的安全), 我們亦可能在場地安裝閉路電視進行錄像監察活動。


Data protection, disclosure and security 個人資料之保密、披露及保安 


Unless we are legally required to retain your personal data for a specific period of time, we will only retain your personal data for the purposes (as well as any directly related purposes) for which it was collected. Generally speaking, we will not retain your personal data for a period of more than 7 years. 

除非法律規定要求我們須保存您的個人資料一段特定的時間,我們只會將個人資料保存至達到收集個人資料之原來目的,或直接與其有關之目的為止。 一般而言,我們保留您的個人資料的時間不會超過7年。 


Where we are required to comply with legal requirements or requests, or for the purposes of offering services relating to the activities, services or courses, or for the purposes of use of personal data stated above, we may disclose your personal information to the following classes of persons (whether within or outside Hong Kong):



  • Any courts, law enforcement agencies or other governmental, statutory or regulatory bureaux, departments or organisations that have jurisdiction;


  • Persons to whom we are obliged to disclose under the laws or court orders of any jurisdiction;


  • Our directors, employees, volunteers, business partners or any contractor, agents or other service providers who will participate or offer promotional or administrative services of any activities, services or courses (including but not limited to Po Sum Company Limited);
    我們的董事、僱員、志工、合作夥伴或參與或提供活動、服務或課程推廣或行政的承辦商、代理或其他服務供應商 (包括但不限於寶心企業有限公司) ; 


  • Any persons to whom we reasonably believe are necessary or appropriate to disclose, including in protecting our rights or properties, or when we consider to be relevant to any purposes of collection of personal data; 


  • Where we reasonably believe it is necessary to disclose any personal data to any persons for the purposes of identifying, contacting or initiating against or defending any claims by any persons (such as any persons who have, whether intentionally or for other reasons, interfered with our rights or properties or any persons who may suffer any loss as a result of any such action), we may disclose personal data to such persons; 


  • Any other persons who owe confidentiality duties to the Company, including any information technology consultants, data processors, auditors, accountants or lawyers who have agreed to the confidentiality of such information; and
    任何對本公司有保密責任的其他人士,包括已承諾保密該等資料的資訊科技顧問、資料處理承辦商、審計師、會計師、或律師 ;及


  • Banks and financial institutions.


Any questions, comments, suggestions or information (other than personal data) will be deemed as being provided to us on a non-confidential and non-proprietary basis.



We will make all reasonable efforts to ensure that the personal data we collect and hold about you are stored in a reliable, safe and secure manner, and that all personal data collected will be kept confidential. However, you understand that we cannot guarantee the security of the transmission of any data or the relevant data storage system. 



Where necessary, we may transfer personal data to places outside Hong Kong for the purposes and uses of personal data set out above.



Direct marketing 宣傳及推廣 


Where we have obtained your consent in accordance with the Ordinance (which shall include an indication of no objection), we may use your personal data for messaging and promotional purposes.  We may use your name and contact information to direct market any activities, services or courses of the Gratitude Hub through communication channels such as e-mail, instant messaging applications, SMS, social media links or text/image/video message. If you do not wish to receive any direct marketing communications from us, please indicate your objection in the letter concerning your volunteering services or application form for activities/services/courses.  You may also update your preference at any time by emailing  Once we receive your notification, we will cease using your personal data for direct marketing purposes free-of-charge.   

在根據條例取得您的同意 (包括表示不反對) 的前提下,我們或將從您收集的個人資料用於發送消息及宣傳用途。我們可使用您的姓名及聯絡方法,透過電郵、即時通訊應用程式、短訊、社交媒體連結或文字/圖像/視像訊息等方式聯絡您作宣傳及推廣感恩互助中心之任何活動、服務或課程。 如果您不希望收到我們發出的任何宣傳及推廣通訊,請在志工函件或活動/服務/課程申請表中表示反對。您亦可以隨時透過電郵至 更新您的喜好。在收到您通知後,我們將停止使用您的個人資料作宣傳及推廣之用,並不會就此向您收費。 


Access and correction of personal data 個人資料之查閱及更正 


Data subjects are entitled to access and/or correct his/her personal data in accordance with the Ordinance.  Any such personal data access and/or correction requests should be submitted in writing by emailing  According to the Ordinance, the Company reserves the right to charge reasonable fees for such data access requests.

資料當事人有權按照條例之條文要求查閱和/或修正其個人資料。任何此類有關查閱和/或修正其個人資料的要求,應當採用書面形式以電郵遞交:。 按照條例,本公司保留權利就有關的查閱資料要求向您收取合理的費用。



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